Monday, 25 August 2008

Not much recently...

OK, so I haven't written in this for months... bit of an expectation to tell the truth - this has happened every time I've attempted to start anything like a blog. Oh well - I'm back!

Expect regular posting to resume! (and it will, else I will look very silly if that sentence is here and it doesn't.)

Monday, 31 March 2008

Sam The Remixer

So I wanted to have a go at remixing a tune (any tune, so long as it was well-known). For ages I did OK; they sounded OK, but nothing major league. So now I've tried it with this one and I think I'm onto a winner :). I was trawling around Google looking for remixing tips when I came across a competition to remix the BBC News theme tune. It's long since closed, but I thought 'Why not?'. One remixing later I slapped a video on top and here it is:

Here's a link to the MP3 so you can download it: Click here

Saturday, 29 March 2008

New design!

After completely messing up and losing my original Blogger Template and all the sidebar stuff (to the right), I had to start again with the whole layout. So I went for a new design: cleaner, nicer and more spacious. Hope you guys like it! :D

Monday, 17 March 2008

"This is Toby Smith, signing off."

This is the Next Big Thing according to Toby. He wanted to film various 'Big Brother' style spots throughout the ski trip, so here's a lovely compilation!!

By the way, the ski photos are still below! Scroll down to see them.

Jumps in style

A video of Toby jumping on his ice skates!

Photos are here!

Yep, here they are in all their glorious photoness. Thanks for waiting! :)

Sunday, 16 March 2008


After someone posted me one of them (not sure why), I decided to trawl the web in search of these Mac OS X Intro videos, like the ones you get at startup. Thing was, YouTube was scattered and the little compilations there were pretty poor quality-wise.

So, I decided to make one myself. Each movie is in the best quality possible, and all converted to HD and Widescreen.

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

Photos? Oh yeh...

See, the thing is... I've lost the SD Card somewhere. Dad took it out of the camera to shoot some Scout stuff.

Watch this space!!

Sunday, 24 February 2008

Heeeeeeere's Sammy!

I'm baaack!! I thought I'd have at least the weekend to relax, but NOOOO... Just the evening to get ready for the brand new term. Yay...!

I really enjoyed skiing, more so than I thought I would. And I think I'll go again next year. :D

Photos are coming, promise!

Gotta go, I need sleep.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Ski Trip wooooo!

Going on the school Ski Trip soon! I honestly have no idea what to expect... we've only had one practice ski, and that was on dry slopes. I hope I'm not as bad at skiing than I am at all that roller skating stuff!

So I won't be able to post for a week (an entire week! Not that it matters, I keep forgetting to post here anyways!).

See you afterwards, hopefully I'll get loadsa photos!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Struck down...

I wasn't feeling too well this morning, so I took the day off (I haven't been sleeping very well recently). Turns out that the extra sleep did me a lot of good, which is good news, meaning I haven't caught the rather nasty bug that's been going around this week.

Ah well. Tomorrow's School Charity Day, and we've all got to go in dressed up as a music title (I have no idea why!). I'm not sure what I'll go in as yet, but I'm sure to think of one. If all else fails, I'll just dress in non-uniform and where a sign around my neck with the name on (keeping it simple!).

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Sneaky, Sneaky...

Xbox Live!! woooo!

Seriously, I've done online gaming before, but this is in a whole new league. I tried to sign up as Silver, but then it said I've got a free 1 month trail of Gold! Woooo!

...trouble is, I share the Xbox 360 with my bro, so he's not going to be too happy that I stole the trail account!

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Discount Cereals!!

I was having a random rant about discount cereals today, so I think I'll bring it here. :)

Why make a cereal super-cheap if you're not going to bother making them edible! I got one the other day and it was full of grit, like it had been filled with the contents of a road works. And then I got some honey loop things from Morrissons, and they look and taste like charcoal. You're meant to cook them, not flame them! Honestly!

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Tiredness Synchronization?!

I've felt tired loads of times, but the last few days have been agonizing. The weird thing is, everyone else seems to be tired too. Everyone putting their heads down on their desks at school and stuff like that.

Maybe it's something to do with the full moon? Or just the persisting new year blues? Tim's calendar said it was the full moon... it was right, you know. That's odd to me, each time I buy a calendar there's always something wrong with it. Maybe I should stop buying them down the market... yes, that'd be it.

I did have several interesting blog posts planned, but they've seemed to have slipped out of my head... kinda. Maybe everything will be OK tomorrow. :D

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

What? A Post??

Ahh! My question mark button is stuck down a bit. Nice way to start things off...

So, I've been thinking about starting a blog-type-thing for some time. Before then I thought I was too high and mighty and was above such things (I tend to create my own sites and stuff). To be honest, it got very lonely being at the top, seeing the people who were slightly less computer literate milling around and making friends. Especially on Beabo. Bebo's massive around here... everyone's using it, but I'd still like something a bit more sophisticated. So I went for Blogger, a respectable site (and virtually chav-free!).

The blog's not looking too healthy for the moment, until I can get into this template and mess around with it. All I've done so far is muck about with the colours and slapped in a header from my old site. So a bit of improvement there. :)

Moving on, about me. Right... I live in Whitstable (that's in Kent (that's in South-East England)) by the sea!! I'm still at school (nooo!), but I'm nearly out (yaay!) so that's pretty good. I'm heavily into the computer side of things, especially graphic design (hopefully I can do up this blog) and Flash animation (*waves to anyone visiting from Newgrounds*).

So that concludes the christening of yet another blog on the huuuuuge Blogger site. See you later!