Sunday, 24 February 2008

Heeeeeeere's Sammy!

I'm baaack!! I thought I'd have at least the weekend to relax, but NOOOO... Just the evening to get ready for the brand new term. Yay...!

I really enjoyed skiing, more so than I thought I would. And I think I'll go again next year. :D

Photos are coming, promise!

Gotta go, I need sleep.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Ski Trip wooooo!

Going on the school Ski Trip soon! I honestly have no idea what to expect... we've only had one practice ski, and that was on dry slopes. I hope I'm not as bad at skiing than I am at all that roller skating stuff!

So I won't be able to post for a week (an entire week! Not that it matters, I keep forgetting to post here anyways!).

See you afterwards, hopefully I'll get loadsa photos!

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Struck down...

I wasn't feeling too well this morning, so I took the day off (I haven't been sleeping very well recently). Turns out that the extra sleep did me a lot of good, which is good news, meaning I haven't caught the rather nasty bug that's been going around this week.

Ah well. Tomorrow's School Charity Day, and we've all got to go in dressed up as a music title (I have no idea why!). I'm not sure what I'll go in as yet, but I'm sure to think of one. If all else fails, I'll just dress in non-uniform and where a sign around my neck with the name on (keeping it simple!).

Saturday, 2 February 2008

Sneaky, Sneaky...

Xbox Live!! woooo!

Seriously, I've done online gaming before, but this is in a whole new league. I tried to sign up as Silver, but then it said I've got a free 1 month trail of Gold! Woooo!

...trouble is, I share the Xbox 360 with my bro, so he's not going to be too happy that I stole the trail account!